Oaklands School Learner Qualities

Oakland's School Learner Qualities
Be Self Aware (Excellence Value): SML tasks

Be self aware
I know my learning goals.
I know how I learn best.
Think about and reflect on:
  • How have I been managing my time with completing my SML Tasks?
  • How well have I been completing them?
  • Have I been completing my MUST Dos each week?
  • Have I been organised enough to complete bonus tasks?

What is my learning goal?
IALT manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week
What has been going well?

Writing because I have loved writing about myths and legends.
What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done?

I have been learning to get a computer in the morning and work on my SML and trying to get things done quickly.
Which tasks have I completed well?  Why?

Writing and maths because we fun activities at maths and at writing the teachers always have creative things we can write about.
Which tasks have been challenging?  Why?

I think some of the SML were challenging especially basic facts because I find the questions are quite hard.
What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do?

A bonus task I would like to do is art because I love coloring in and having creative ideas of how to do an artwork differently.
My next step is……..
My next step is to be able to do harder questions in basic facts.
